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Nigeria News

{Conversations with Abang Mercy} “At the moment, people like IBB/Obasanjo control Nigeria” Nigeria dialogue initiator, Bankole Eniola Speaks



Bankole Eniola is our feature for the week and he is a Nigerian policy advocate  based in London- He is passionate about developing economies and most especially the nation of his birth, Nigeria. Bankole’s ideas about policy advocacy and communal participation in nation building led him to initiate Nigeria Dialogue in 2011. Bankole talks about the Nigeria Dialogue platform which serves as a hub for progressive intellectuals who intend to challenge systemic and institutional realities in Nigeria, his organizations target to get 40 million young Nigerians and plans ahead of the 2015 elections for this weeks Conversations with Abang Mercy among other issues.

Tell us about Nigeria Dialogue

 Nigeria Dialogue is a hub of progressive intellectuals who intend to challenge systemic and institutional realities in Nigeria. The goal of this initiative is to serve as the conduit to facilitate the effective transformation of Nigeria into a developed and prosperous nation.  It is a platform where forward thinking Nigerians proffer inputs into sustainable economic, infrastructural and social development through meaningful dialogues and measurable actions.
You said Nigeria Dialogue is a hub for progressive intellectuals who intend to challenge systemic and institutional realities in Nigeria. What’s your definition of Progressive?
A progressive is someone who feels our villages should be a bit better, someone who when he does simple things like going to the toilet always makes sure he is able to flush, thats a progressive. A progressive is someone who looks at structure or a society and says, ‘I want to make it better’. So a progressive is anyone who wants more from an existing system. So anyone who is discontent with the way Nigeria is will fit into the build of people we want to attract to Nigerian dialogue.
You are a group of intelligent Nigerians, with the idea of bringing change to Nigeria – one person at a time. What about the unintelligent?

I don’t think there is anybody who is un-intelligent in Nigeria, and i will quote Albert Einstein there. He said: ” If you judge the ability of a fish by its capacity to walk, every fish will be called foolish, but when you put it to water, you see its genius”. Everybody when they find their place in society is intelligent, so every Nigerian is intelligent, we just need to create enough opportunities for them to thrive.

Should I say your group is a gathering of Young Nigerians only in the Diaspora?
This question come up a lot. I know people who have accused me on Facebook, of living 6,000miles away and trying to change Nigeria. But the truth is, you just have to think of some of the greatest advocates of change ever. Moses was a prince in Egypt, he was an Isrealite, a Jew. Joseph was a Jew he was in Egypt. Basically at different times, life will be transient you need to go to different plces. So that you can see what is available, and the you can come back to your people and say, this is the new frontier, this is where we need to go. When you read the Nigerian Dialogues mission statement you’ll find out that we have the Nigerian dialogue in London, we have in New-York, we have in Lagos. The whole idea of 2014 is to galvanize the Nigerian arm of Nigerian Dialogue to be able to start working within the communities in Nigeria. Because i think it is until the rubber hits the road, that is when Nigerians will begin to feel the impact of the benefit of the dialogue we are having.
In fifteen years, you intend to get to a point to generate the needed momentum to drive change. Can you outline what you will be doing when you have the desired number, assuming you already do?
Forty million is not a lot. I want you to think about life the way i see it, or the way i think Kwame Nkrumah will see it, or Nnamdi Azikiwe or Awolowo and Tafewa Balewa. We see life as a place filled with possibilities. First, why forty million? This figure is a critical mass within Nigeria, because we have a population of about 160million and we have a population of about 60million that can vote at any point in time. If you have 40million of that, that means you have about 60 to 70 percent of the voting population and when they become educated and enlightened, then they can make informed decisions. So thats where the forty million comes from.
Why do we need 15years to get 40million, because we know that we cannot get forty million people in one day, but if we build a structure, if we keep working hard in everyday and putting in the grind, we will convince them one after the other, and get the forty million mark.
Now what does that forty million mark do for us? That forty million gives us the leverage that we need on the political class. Just think about it this way, if a politician is pushing a bill for education like ‘every child in Nigeria should go to school’ and this forty million critical mass can galvanize themself and begin to say we want it to be a part of our constitution that any parent who does not allow their child to go to school will be prosecuted. Because of that mass we now have, we can make it law.
So the question is what we want to feed this critical mass, do we want to feed them with facts, do we want to feed them with information to help them make informed decisions? that is the real question facing the dialogue. I was speaking to Okonjo Iweala, and she said the future of Nigeria is already with the youths, because we have over 70million Nigerians under a particular demography. That is where it comes from, we already know what the United Nation says about this figure, so the question is, what do we do with this figure.
Nigeria Dialogue aims to be a platform to generate conversations that will shape the future of our nation. How can a nation future be shaped through conversations?
Because that conversation is a conversation of the future not a conversation of the past. So for instance, you will never catch a Nigerian dialogue session where we are talking about like tribalism, like  ethnicity or so on. We want to talk about future cities, the future of our education, how are we going to develop our education in such a way that we can compete with kids growing up in other parts of the world. This is a classic example i always share with people, the kids that are going to school today in Singapore, in England and Ghana, all of them will grow up at the same time with those currently living in Abuja, in Maiduguri or Abia and they are going to compete for the same jobs in the future.
Now we are talking about schools where we dont have loops. People are talking about building new technologies to compete in the future. How do we want to have a balanced discussion in the future? How can we structure a society like this and not be a slave in the future because we are not well prepared for it? So our conversation is about the future, its about where do we go from here? How do we plan for Nigeria in 30years? What would our federal system look like in 30years? What would our education look like in 30 years, what are the goals we are setting for healthcare in 30years? What would the infrastructure look like? Are we thinking about new cities? What are the plans? So those are the kinds of conversations we are having in Nigerian dialogue.
What is Nigeria Dialogue doing differently from Enough is Enough Nigeria? I want to believe you know EiE. It is a coalition of individuals and youth-led organizations committed to instituting a culture of good governance and public accountability in Nigeria through advocacy, activism.
There is a difference between activism and policy development. Activism talks about the issues, policy development cracks the issue into a systemic process that can be implemented. That is what we do. We develop policies, we work on blue prints, we work on white papers, we work with the people in government to implement them, that is the different thing we do. But we also have relationships with Enough is Enough. We work with organizations within Nigeria that do work we consider progressive, which is good. But much more importantly we are focused on developing what we consider a topical issue into a policy that can be delivered to the people of Nigeria.
Eniola Bankole, you are the brain behind Nigeria dialogue and you are based in the UK. How can you change Nigeria outside Nigeria?
You cannot change Nigeria from the Diaspora? At some point i have to come back.
When are you coming back to Nigeria, and how do you think what you are pushing from the diaspora is accepted in Nigeria?
What we are doing is already affecting what is happening here. This year alone, we have worked with Honorable Abike Dabiri, who is in charge of Diaspora affairs to talk about the role of Diaspora in Nigeria’s constitution. We are doing work at the moment, but you see that is probably 1% of the work. The real work is when we go into the Nigerian communities. When we go into places in Borno State, where there are no roads, because the truth is that this forty million people we need must come from every geographical location within Nigeria. So its important and we are looking at doing that.
Can we change Nigeria from the Diaspora? No. Am i coming back? Yes, 100%. Are my team members in London, or New-York come too? I’m not sure if the whole team will come. Because i am thinking about developed cities like India, i am using India as an example because it is very similar to us in terms of ethnicity, Brazil too. What we have realized is that the hub of Brazilians who are moving Foreign Direct Investment into Brasil still reside in US and Europe. So i wont say every Nigerian when Nigeria becomes what we hope it will be, should just ship and come back, because there will always be a need to have these people in those places.
How can young Nigerians change the system when status quo is still in place, with the continuous recycling of political characters.
We will break that point when we get that forty million. At the moment, those people control the forty million. I will take a quote from Game of Thrones where a character says: What is power? If power were to be on the battle field, people will worship generals, but they dont even those generals bow their knees to kings. Why? Because power is where people perceive power to be. At the moment, people like IBB or Obasanjo control Nigeria, because they control the forty million Nigerians who will change policies to their favor or to do whatsoever they want, and i dont have a personal problem with people like that. But if we do what we are supposed to do, we would have succeeded in generating a new power base, and that will be the future of a developed Nigeria.
Many believe young Nigerians will never take to revolution, no matter how tough it gets, the people will adjust.. What do you say?
Mercy where are you from?
Abang Mercy: Cross River State.
I want to say you are not 35 years of age yet.
Abang Mercy: Not yet.
So you did not see the civil war. Do you know what wars does to young boys? It makes them men. The people who advocate for a revolution have never seen war, they only see it on television. Wars are not things to joke about.
The real question is how can we progress Nigeria without a revolution? We can do this by changing the power base of people who make decisions. If we change our politics from the politics of sentiment, of tribalism and religion, to one of issues and Mercy comes to me to campaign, and she says: This is how i am going to govern your state when i become governor, this is how i am going to get my funding, this is how i am going to deliver, and makes promises and after four years, she doesn’t deliver, but we have this forty million people in place, guess what will happen we will vote her out of power.
What in your opinion will be that “breaking point” for Nigerians?
The point is when we re-draw the political map. If you say the breaking point as the point for change, because am quiet careful about using words like breaking point, because somebody will read this and take breaking point as saying we want to break Nigeria, but no that’s not what we are talking about. If we are talking about the moment where true change will come to Nigeria, it is the moment when we suddenly realise the power in the people of Nigeria. That moment when our votes begin to count.
Nigeria dialogue is a non-profit social Advocacy platform for young minds. What are your plans ahead of the 2015 general elections?
Ahead of 2015, we are going to start a campaign called ‘The Politics of issues’. We are also going to do a road tour to 25 higher institutions across Nigeria. I have people who have told me this is elitist, how come you are going to higher institutions? What is going to happen to the brick layers, the barbers, the shoemakers and people who dont have access to that level of education. My advice to them is that it will trickle down the set. Let us start from the institutions. Let us start from the next generation of young Nigerians who are coming out of institutions. Who are going to be the next generations workers.
 Your team is made of Bankers, lawyers, branding and communications expert, philosophers, scientists, social entrepreneurs, doctors, engineers. What are the practical things you will do differently if given an opportunity to govern Nigeria?
To govern Nigeria the first thing we need to do is what some of my senior friends who have worked within the government, did to get the job done. They brought expertise to work. There is one woman i won’t mention, they call her ‘Due Process’. I am sure by using the word due process you may know the person i am talking about, because someone brought her expertise to bear in the position of power

When you think about the capitalization of the banks, it was a professional that sat on top of that and made sure it happened. What i am saying is, when we give people who are trained to do the work, what we give ourselves the opportunity of delivering quality, and you cannot understate the importance of excellence when people are committed to it.

Posted in Nigeria News. A DisNaija.Com network.

Source: Citizens Platform

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Nigeria News

Kano Transfers Over 1,000 Almajiris To Different States Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic



The Kano State Government on Saturday said it has transferred 1,098 ‘almajiris’ to different states of the country.

The commissioner for local government, Murtala Garo, disclosed this while presenting a report before the state’s task force on COVID-19 at the government house, Kano.

Almajiris are children who are supposed to be learning Islamic studies while living with their Islamic teachers. Majority of them, however, end up begging on the streets of Northern Nigeria. They constitute a large number of Nigeria’s over 10 million out-of-school children.

Mr Garo said the Kano government transported 419 almajiris to Katsina, 524 to Jigawa and 155 to Kaduna. He said all of them tested negative for coronavirus before leaving the Kano State.

Despite the coronavirus test done in Kano for the almajiris, the Jigawa government earlier said it would quarantine for two weeks all the almajiris that recently arrived from Kano.

Mr Garo said another 100 almajiris scheduled to be taken to Bauchi State also tested negative to COVID-19.

In a remark, Governor Abdullahi Ganduje said the COVID-19 situation in Kano was getting worse. He appealed for a collaborative effort to curtail the spread of the virus in the state.

Mr Ganduje, who commended residents for complying with the lockdown imposed in the state, said the decision was taken to halt the spread of the virus.

Kano State, as of Saturday night, has 77 coronavirus cases, according to the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control.

The decision to transfer the Kano almajiris is part of the agreement reached between Northern governors that almajiris in each state be transferred to their states of origin.

However, even before the latest agreement by the governors, the Kano government had been transferring almajiris to other states and neighbouring countries after it banned street begging in the state, most populous in Northern Nigeria.

Despite the transfers, however, no concrete step has been taken to ensure such children do not return to Kano streets as there is freedom of movement across Nigeria although interstate travel was recently banned to check the spread of the coronavirus.


Sourced From: Premium Times Nigeria

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Nigeria News

COVID-19: ‘Bakassi Boys’ Foil Attempt To Smuggle 24 Women Into Abia In Container



By Ugochukwu Alaribe

Operatives of the Abia State Vigilante Service, AVS, popularly known as ‘Bakassi Boys’ have arrested 24 market women hidden in a container truck, at Ekwereazu Ngwa, the boundary community between Abia and Akwa Ibom states.

The market women, said to be  from Akwa Ibom State, were on their way to Aba, when they were arrested with the truck driver and two of his conductors for violating the lockdown order by the state government.

Driver of the truck, Moses Asuquo, claimed he was going to Aba to purchase stock fish, but decided to assist the market women, because they were stranded.

A vigilante source told Sunday Vanguard that the vehicle was impounded while the market women were sent back to Akwa Ibom State.

Commissioner for Home Land Security, Prince Dan Okoli, who confirmed the incident, said that  smuggling of people into the state poses great threat to the state government’s efforts to contain the spread of COVID- 19.


Sourced From: Vanguard News

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Woman Kills Her Maid Over Salary Request



Operatives of the State Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department (SCIID), Yaba of the Lagos State police command have arrested one Mrs Nene Steve for allegedly killing her maid, Joy Adole

The maid was allegedly beaten to death by Nene for requesting for her salary at their residence located at 18, Ogundola Street, Bariga area in Lagos.

Narrating the incident, Philips Ejeh, an elder brother to the deceased said that he was sad when they informed him that his sister was beaten to death.

He explained that the deceased was an indigene of Benue State brought to Lagos through an agent and started working with her as a maid  in January 2020.

‘’She reported that her boss refused to pay her and anytime she asked for her salary she will start beating her.

She was making an attempt to leave the place but due to the total lockdown she remained there until Sunday when her boss said she caught her stealing noodles and this led to her serious beating and death,’’ Ejeh said.

He called on Lagos State Government and well- meaning people in the country to help them in getting justice for the victim.

The police spokesman, Bala Elkana, stated that the woman and her husband came to Bariga Police  Station to a report that their house girl had committed suicide.

Detectives were said to have visited the house and suspected foul play with the position of the rope and bruises all over the body which confirmed that the girl had been tortured to death and the boss decided to hang up the girl to make it look like suicide.

He said: “The police moved on with their investigation and found a lot of sign of violence on her body that she has been tortured before a rope was put on her neck.’’

He added that the police removed the corpse and deposited it in the mortuary for autopsy to further ascertain the cause of the death.

Elkana said the matter has been transferred from Bariga police station to Panti for further investigation while the couple have been arrested and will be charged to court.

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Boko Haram Attacks: Buhari Summons Urgent Meeting Of Service Chiefs



President Buhari and the Service Chiefs in a meeting. (File photo)

Ostensibly alarmed by the latest killings of dozens of soldiers by Boko Haram insurgents, President Muhammadu Buhari has summoned an urgent meeting of Service Chiefs to find ways to stop the trend. 

He has also dispatched the Minister of Defence, Mansur Dan Ali, to the neighbouring Republic of Chad for an urgent meeting with President Idris Deby and his defence counterpart. 

Knowledgeable sources said in Abuja on Friday that the president is worried by on the deterioration of security situation on the Nigeria – Chad Border that has led to the recently increased Boko Haram terrorism in the area.

The sources which did not want to be named in Abuja said: “Nigeria has a Chad  problem in the Multi-National Joint Task Force (MNJTF) put together to secure the Lake Chad basin areas and repeal the Boko Haram terrorist attacks against all the countries neighbouring the Lake.”

The sources noted that Chad is believed to be having their own internal security challenges and this has reportedly led to their pulling away their own troops manning their own border around Lake Chad,  saying: “That lacuna is being exploited by the Boko Haram terrorists, who go in and out of Nigeria, Niger and Cameroon to launch terrorist acts.  This is a clear illustration of the fact that terrorism is beyond national borders.”

When contacted, the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu, confirmed that the Defence Minister is going to Chad but said he is unaware of the purpose. 

Meanwhile, the military authorities are said to be in the process of identifying the families of the latest victims with a view to making contact with them. 

Credible sources revealed that it is the reason the president is yet to make any pronouncement on the matter. 

“The President has called an urgent meeting with the Service Chiefs, as well as the fact that families of the latest victims of the Boko Haram are being identified and contacts made before a government pronouncement on the tragic attacks. This, it is understood, is the reason for the silence of the government over the incident,” the source said. 


Sourced From: Tribune

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